Issue History

Issue History

Build burn down and burn up charts using Issue History!

Users can report on the history of the following Jira fields:

Users can report on the history of the following Jira fields:

Set up Issue History

  • Open the Chart By dropdown, then enter History in the search bar. You can also enter Issue History

    • If you enter History: select one of the available fields to build a chart of it’s history

    • If you enter Issue History: select it. In the Group by dropdown that appears, choose the field to build a chart of it’s history



Customize Issue History

Adjust the Grouping and Range of Dates

The chart will automatically display the history of the selected field over the past 30 days, grouping the dates by Days. To learn more about Groupings and Ranges of dates, click here.

  1. Navigate to the Chart By tab

  2. To change the grouping of dates: click the Grouping dropdown and choose another option.

  3. To change the range of dates: click the Range dropdown and choose another option.


Adjust the Values Included in the Time Period

We recommend turning this setting on if you’re creating a burn down or burn up chart.

When creating a chart with an issue’s history, Custom Charts will automatically include all values the field had during the range of dates. For example: you’ve chosen to report on the history of the Status field over the past 30 days, with each segment showing the history of the field by day. Let’s say the status field went from “To Do” to “In Progress” to “Done” for an issue on one of those days. The chart will show all 3 status values for the issue for that day.

If you want it to only show “Done”, since that was the final value for the Status that day, you can adjust the settings.


  1. Navigate to the Chart by tab

  2. Click the Calculate final values in time period only toggle so it turns green

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