Time in Status

Time in Status

Build charts to display how much time Jira issues have spent in each status!



Set up Time in Status

  • Open the Chart By dropdown, then enter Status in the search bar

  • Click Status (Time in Status). This will set your Chart By and Calculate settings automatically. The chart will display the average time in hours issues have spent in each status.



Time in Status calculations are available in both Sum and Average.

If you’d like to change the statistic to be the total time issues have spent in each status, click the Calculate dropdown (where it says “Average”) and select Sum

Change the Time Unit

By default, Custom Charts displays the total or average time in hours issues have spent in each status. Learn how to change the time unit below.

  1. With Custom Charts in edit mode, on the righthand side, click the Display options tab

  2. Scroll down to the General Options section and click the Time unit dropdown

  3. Select another time unit option (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years) from the list. The Live Preview will update to reflect the new time unit