

The Calculate options determine how Jira data is displayed on charts. Watch it in action below!

Calculate Options


Displays the number of Issues or Projects found


Aggregates all the values found

Example: 10 Story Points + 20 Story Points = 30 Story Points


Takes the Sum and Divides by Issue Count

Example: 30 Story Points ÷ 2 issues = 15 Average Story Points per Issue


Any Number or Date field will be selectable on the field list

The calculated value is shown as a column in the legend table, the y-axis label on bar charts, and the calculated %

Scripted and calculated fields from Jira add-ons (e.g. ScriptRunner or JMCF) can also be used as a Count value, as long as they are number fields.

For calculations involving time logs, the default time unit is hours and can be changed to days, weeks, months, or years


Calculations can also be made that compare multiple date fields

Under common fields, you'll find the following options for date comparisons

Time Since

Calculate the time since a specific date based on the selected date field

Time Until

Calculate the time until a specific date based on the selected date field

Time Between

Calculate the time between two date fields

Time to Resolution

Calculate the time between creation and resolution. This calculation uses the Resolved date (the date a resolution is set on the issue).

Check 'Include unresolved issues' – if you choose to include these issues, their time to resolution will be between creation and the current time. 

Custom Calculations

In Custom Charts, users can measure any number field with a custom calculation or custom progress.




Custom Calculation

In the 3 dropdowns, select a Jira number field, choose to add, subtract, divide, or multiply, then select the 2nd Jira number field you want to measure (options are below).


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Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 9.05.48 AM.png
Example: Subtract the Remaining Estimate from the Original estimate

Custom Progress

In the 1st dropdown, select a Jira number field, then in the 2nd dropdown, select another Jira number field to see the progress of the 2nd field out of the 1st field

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Example: Time Spent of Original estimate. The chart shows % progress for each segment


Additional Calculations

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For certain Custom Charts chart types, users can add additional calculations after the primary Calculation is selected (the two Calculate dropdowns at the top of the gadget or macro are set).

The additional calculations can be found in: the Legend tab for pie charts and funnel charts; the Calculations (+) tab for 1D bar charts; or the Columns tab for 1D table charts.

To add an additional calculation:

  1. Click the Legend, Calculations, or Columns tab (depends on chart type)

  2. Scroll down to the Legend Columns section, and click +Add column

  3. In the 3 dropdowns, choose how you’d like to measure the field (COUNT, SUM, or AVERAGE), choose the number or date field you’d like to measure and display, then choose to hide or show the percentage field (eyeball icon)

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you’d like to add even more calculations

Chart Types With Additional Calculations Allowed

Pie Chart

Bar Chart

2D Grouped Bar Chart

2D Stacked Bar Chart

Line Chart

2D Line Chart

Funnel Chart

Table Chart

2D Table Chart

Tile Chart

Multiple Calculations on 1D Bar Charts

If you add additional calculations on the Calculations (+) tab in 1D Bar Charts, each additional calculation is displayed as a new bar on the chart (see below).

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