
General Questions

Custom Charts provides dashboard gadgets and Confluence macros that allow you to add dynamic charts that look great and are easy to build.

To get started, walk through our quick how-tos on creating and managing your charts:


Very actively! We have a whole development team dedicated to building and supporting Custom Charts.

You can follow our latest updates on Twitter.

Yes, we do! You can follow all our recent releases and upcoming features on our actively maintained public feature roadmap.

If you’re looking for a feature and don’t see it on the roadmap, let us know. We regularly incorporate customer feedback into our development backlog - some of the best parts of the app came from requests from people like you!

If you'd like to ask us a question about Custom Charts, please raise a ticket in our support portal or send an email to support@oldstreetsolutions.com.

Please let us know if you find a bug with our apps so we can fix them as soon as possible!

Our support team is here to help