Cloud - Connect to Jira

Cloud - Connect to Jira

Connect to Jira Cloud

Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud are two separate applications. When you install Custom Jira Charts for Confluence on your Confluence Cloud instance that does not automatically mean that the app can view your Jira data. This is an important security restriction that Atlassian enforces to ensure that only apps you authorize can view your Jira data. Custom Jira Charts for Confluence is a charting app that displays Jira issues on Confluence pages, so you need to authorize it to view your Jira data.

Can I authorize all users at once?

While you can’t technically authorize all users on an instance at once, we do have a feature call User Impersonation that allows you to build charts that can be viewed by others without them needing to authorize the app (or even have a Jira licence!).

When a user views or edits a Custom Jira Chart for the first time they will be presented with this message:


When they click “Load Chart” they will be taken to a URL that starts with https://api.atlassian.com/oauth2/authorize/consent…. which as you can see by the URL, it is where the user will authorize and give consent for Custom Jira Charts to view their Jira issue data.

Custom Jira Charts only needs to view Jira issue data as it is a reporting and charting tool. It runs queries against Jira (e.g. how many bugs are in a project) and then displays the results.

  1. Select the Jira Cloud instance to authorize

  2. Accept

This authorization page will then automatically be closed.

Return to the Confluence page/editor and refresh the page.

And that’s it! Each user will only need to perform these steps once and all future charts will maintain the authorization.

This authorization is automatically removed when the app is uninstalled from the Confluence instance.

To remove the authorization manually for an individual user navigate to this link and click Remove access: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/apps


To view all users that have authorized Custom Jira Charts on your Jira instance, navigate to the Atlassian administration page and select Connected apps: https://admin.atlassian.com/


If you have any questions about connecting Custom Jira Charts for Confluence Cloud to Jira please contact our support team.



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