Custom Charts Example Templates

Custom Charts Example Templates

Custom Charts ships with 8 Example Templates that represent best practice reporting examples. These templates are not editable, but can be seen and used by all users.


Steps to Use Example Templates





  1. With Custom Charts in “Edit” mode, click Templates

  2. On the Templates page, under the “All Templates” section on the left, click Example Templates

  3. Hover over the Template you’d like to use, then click Use Template

  4. Once the editor reloads, most configuration points of the chart will be populated based off of the Template selected (Chart by dropdown, Group by dropdown, Chart Type, Calculate dropdowns, Chart Title). Navigate to the dropdown and choose a Source.

  5. Click Save or Insert in the bottom right corner of Custom Charts to save the gadget to your Dashboard or macro to your page. All done!



Example Chart Templates

Example Chart Name



Example Chart Name



Created vs. Resolved - Past 30 Days


2D Line Chart where one line represents Jira issues Created in the past 30 days, and the other represents Jira issues Resolved in the last 30 days.

Fix Versions


2D Grouped Bar Chart that displays the status of issues within each Fix Version.

Issue Types


1D Table Chart that displays a count of Jira issues that belong to each Issue Type.

Issue Types by Project


2D Stacked Bar Chart that displays a count of Jira issues that belong to each Issue Type in specified Jira projects.

Issues by Assignee


Pie Chart that displays a count of Jira issues by Assignee.

JSM - Request Channel Type


Pie Chart that displays a count of Jira issues by the JSM feature, Request Channel Type, which are the routes through which customers can raise requests in your service project (Email, Portal, etc).

JSM - Time to first response - Breached vs Not Breached


2D Grouped Bar Chart where each bar presents issues created, and each group of bars represents the time to first response

Status Categories


Pie Chart where each slice of the pie represents issues in a certain Status Category (To Do, In Progress, Done)


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