Custom Charts Data Residency

Custom Charts Data Residency

Cloud only This feature is only available on Custom Charts for Jira and Custom Charts for Confluence on Atlassian’s cloud offerings.

How does data residency work in Custom Charts?

Custom Charts stores very minimal data. This includes global app settings, configuration details, and any permissions configured within the app. This does not include any issue data.

In each instance, administrators can determine where this data is stored. When you select a region, your Custom Charts data will be moved to databases that are located in this region.

If you have any regulatory restrictions that require that your data stored is in a single region, you can select for it to be stored only in Europe (Germany) or the United States (US East).

How does it interact with Atlassian’s data residency?

When Custom Charts is installed, it will automatically use the data residency settings of your Atlassian instance, if that data is stored in Europe or the United States.

If your Atlassian data residency changes, Custom Charts will not automatically update and will need to be manually changed if you want the residency to also change.

Note that Custom Charts data residency must be updated in each instance of Jira or Confluence in an organization

How do I change my Custom Charts data residency?

  1. As an admin, navigate to the Custom Charts - Settings page.

  2. Open the Data Residency tab

  3. Once you have identified the region where you would like your data to be located, select Pin Custom Charts Region


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