Simple Search Gadget

Simple Search Gadget



The Simple Search gadget is an interactive issue searcher that can be configured for any Custom Charts gadgets on your Jira dashboard.

Use Simple Search to filter linked Custom Charts at the click of a button.


The Simple Search gadget and the Custom Charts gadget are 2 separate gadgets with unique configuration settings, though the user interface and customization options are very similar. Adding the interactive searching capability of Simple Search to your Custom Charts gadgets happens in 2 parts:

  1. Part 1 - Adding and configuring the Simple Search gadget

  2. Part 2: Adding the Custom Charts gadget and connecting it to the Simple Search gadget

    1. Add the Custom Charts gadget

    2. Set the Simple Search gadget as the Source on your Custom Charts gadget

    3. Configure the Custom Charts gadget

Steps for each part are broken down below.


Part 1: Adding and Configuring the Simple Search Gadget

Adding the Simple Search gadget to your dashboard

To use Simple Search, add the Custom Charts - Simple Search gadget to your dashboard by following the steps below:

  1. On your Dashboard, click Add gadget.

  2. In the Add a gadget pop-up, type Simple Search in the search box to filter down the list of gadgets. Once the Custom Charts Simple Search gadget appears, click Add.


  3. You have successfully added the Simple Search gadget to your Dashboard! Continue on to learn how to configure the gadget

Configure the Simple Search gadget

Once you’ve added the Simple Search gadget to your Dashboard, you’ll need to configure the gadget to meet your reporting needs. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose a Source for the Simple Search gadget by clicking the dropdown next to SOURCE

    1. Select a Project(s), Saved filter(s) or JQL query (For more information on Simple Search Source, check out Simple Search Source in our FAQ)

      1. If you need some help writing your JQL query check out our quick getting started guide

  2. Choose the fields to display in the gadget.

    1. On the right side of the screen under Simple Search Fields, select from custom fields in your Jira instance or from Simple Search fields.

    2. You can drag and drop to reorder the fields, click on the pencil to customize how the fields display, or click the trash can to remove a field that you’ve added.

  3. Once the fields are displayed on the left side in the Live Preview you can select options from the fields. Whatever you select here in the editor will be saved as the default configuration for users viewing the dashboard.

  4. If you want to create another default configuration, simply turn on Tabs and repeat steps 1 & 2.

When selecting your default configuration, you can choose your operator to adjust the JQL to be AND, OR, NOT. This allows you to do things like easily exclude certain values from the results returned.


Up to 5 tabs can be added, and the default configuration is unique per tab. Each tab can be renamed or reordered by dragging and dropping. Select the trash can to remove a tab and its configuration.

Enter in a Title along the top to customize your Simple Search even further!


Using Simple Search Fields

In addition to selecting from custom fields in your instance, there are a few special Simple Search fields that are available to be added.

Simple Search Field


Simple Search Field



Custom JQL toggle

This field allows you to enter in your own JQL to appear as a button on the Simple Search view. You can display the JQL as written, or give it a name that’s easier to read.


Saved Filters - Single toggle

This field allows you to directly link to an existing Saved Filter, rather than entering the JQL into Simple Search.


Saved Filters - Multi-select

This field allows users viewing the dashboard to select from existing Saved Filters.


Contains text search

This field searches Summary, Description, Comments, and text custom fields.

Dark Mode

Just like Custom Charts, Simple Search can be viewed in Dark mode or Light mode. Dark mode changes the colors of your Simple Search Gadget for all users viewing the dashboard. There are two ways to turn dark mode on/off.

  1. Select the Sun/Moon icon in the Live Preview

  2. Toggle Dark Mode on/off in the Display Settings


Light Mode

Dark Mode

Light Mode

Dark Mode


Display Options





Show Order by selector

Disabling this option will remove the ability to sort the issues filtered by the Simple Search gadget.

Allow users to add fields in view mode

Disabling this option will prevent users from being able to add other fields to Simple Search while viewing the dashboard.

Show description

This option will show/hide the text entered on the Description tab. You also have the ability to display the description at the top or bottom of the Simple Search gadget.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode can be enabled and disabled using this option, or under display options or by selecting the moon/sun icons on Live Preview.



Just like with the Custom Charts gadget, you can export your Simple Search gadget configuration, then import it into another Simple Search gadget on the current dashboard or on another dashboard. To do this:

  1. While in the gadget editor, click the Import/Export button in the configuration section on the right side

  2. Click Copy to clipboard

  3. Navigate to the other desired Simple Search gadget

  4. Click the Pencil icon to open the Editor

  5. Click the Import/Export button in the configuration section on the right side of the Editor

  6. In the “Import Simple Search Configuration” section, paste the configuration into the text box, then click Import Configuration

  7. Use the Live Preview on the left side of the editor to review the imported configuration, which will include the Source, fields, and defaults from the original Simple Search gadget configuration




Part 2: Connecting Simple Search to a Custom Charts gadget

Once you’ve customized the Simple Search gadget, the next step is to connect it to your Custom Charts gadgets so it can act as the interactive searcher for your charts.

To connect a Simple Search gadget to a Custom Chart:

  1. Add a Custom Charts for Jira gadget to your dashboard

  2. Edit the Custom Charts gadget

  3. Select Simple Search Gadget from the Source dropdown selector

  4. Once selected, you’ll see the Reference ID from each Simple Search gadget on the dashboard

    1. If you have multiple Simple Search gadgets on one page, simply edit the Simple Search to find the Reference ID


Tip! Multiple Custom Charts can be connected to a single Simple Search gadget.


Using Simple Search

Once the gadget is saved and connected to Custom Charts, users can select from the fields that are shown, and if allowed, filter by adding custom fields.

These fields won't be saved when the page is refreshed, so each user can create their own custom search.


Clicking the “Search” button on the Simple Search gadget updates all the linked charts to be filtered by your selections.

Sort the results to order the issues returned in each of the linked charts. Order by ascending or descending.


Select Show JQL to view the full JQL query used by the Simple Search Gadget.

Edit the JQL query used by the Simple Search Gadget for more granular control.

This JQL can also be edited by selecting Advanced (JQL) from the actions menu. Reset the search back to the defaults, or toggle back to your Simple Search fields using the actions menu. This menu is also where you’ll find the Simple Search Reference ID for use when linking to Custom Charts.


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