Tile Chart

Tile Chart

 Standard Field Options

1Segment ordering

Orders segments by the value of their Counts or Names.

Custom order is arranged by the user with the drag-and-drop interface.

2Show zero counts

If the count value is zero for a segment use this selector to hide it from the chart.

3Show / hide segments

If issues have been found for a segment then it cannot be deleted, but it can easily be hidden using show / hide segment button.

4Issues found indicator

A green tick indicates that issues have been found for the current segment.

Hovering over the indicator shows a tooltip with the number of issues found.

5Delete segment

When zero issues are found for a segment it can be deleted.

6Add additional values

Clicking the + opens a drop-down menu to pick additional values.

Values already in use in other segments have the suffix (Used option). If a used option is selected it will be moved into the currently selected segment.

7Rename segment

Clicking the pencil button opens the "Name segment" input box.

The original segment values are displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the new name in the legend table.

8Add another segment

If a value has not been found in the current search (e.g. you're making a template chart) then you can add additional segments.

This allows you to select the colors, name and order of appearance even before any issues have been found.

9Color picker

Pick from a color palette of 22 default options or use a custom hex code to get exactly what you need.

For even more customization select from a full-colour palette


Drag-and-drop to reorder segments.

When a segment is manually moved the ordering selector changes to Custom Order.


Disable colors to hide the colored dots on the table.

12Split segmentsWhen additional values have been added to a segment, they can be split out using the small x in the top right corner of the option input.
13Heading labelCustomize the heading label for the Chart By and Group By values.

 Date Field Options

  • Past 24 hours
  • Past 3 days
  • Past 7 days
  • Past 30 days
  • Past 90 days
  • This week
  • This month
  • This quarter
  • This year
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last quarter
  • Last year
  • Dynamic range
  • Between dates
  • All dates
2Show zero counts

If the count value is zero for a segment use this selector to hide it from the chart.

3Show issues without dates

For date fields that can be empty (e.g. due date) this selector shows those issues as a None segment at the start of the range.

This is very useful to catch issues that do not have a date set.


Disable colors to hide the colored dots on the table.

  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Years
6Heading labelCustomize the heading label for the Chart By and Group By values.

 Custom JQL / Saved filters Options

To create fully custom charts you can use the advanced options Custom JQL or Saved filters to create segments.

Custom JQLSaved Filters

 Display Options
Chart OptionsDescription
Count/Sum/Average labelCustomize the label used for Count/Sum/Average
Cumulative totalCount/Sum/Average will be aggregated sequentially in the order found in Chart By 
Max tiles per rowSet the maximum number of Tiles that can fit onto a single row
Limit rows

Choose the maximum number of rows to display before "Show more..." is used

Leave empty for unlimited rows


Choose how the data is displayed on the Tiles

  • Count/Sum/Average
  • %
  • Count/Sum/Average / %
  • % / Count/Sum/Average
Show Chart By and Count/Sum/Average labels

Hide the heading labels shown under the Tiles

Show Count/Sum/Average totalShow the total Count/Sum/Average at the bottom of the chart

Description Options

(Only visible when the description is not empty)


Show description

Hide the description from displaying

This can be used to keep notes on the configuration or design without showing it to users on the saved list

Description position

Choose where the description is displayed

  • Top

  • Bottom

The Live Preview in the editor always shows