Standard Field Options

| Option | Description |
1 | Segment ordering | Orders segments by the value of their Counts or Names. Custom order is arranged by the user with the drag-and-drop interface. 
2 | Show zero counts | If the count value is zero for a segment use this selector to hide it from the chart. |
3 | Show / hide segments | If issues have been found for a segment then it cannot be deleted, but it can easily be hidden using show / hide segment button. 
4 | Issues found indicator | A green tick indicates that issues have been found for the current segment. Hovering over the indicator shows a tooltip with the number of issues found. 
5 | Delete segment | When zero issues are found for a segment it can be deleted. 
6 | Add additional values | Clicking the + opens a drop-down menu to pick additional values. Values already in use in other segments have the suffix (Used option). If a used option is selected it will be moved into the currently selected segment. 
7 | Rename segment | Clicking the pencil button opens the "Name segment" input box. 
The original segment values are displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the new name in the legend table. 
8 | Add another segment | If a value has not been found in the current search (e.g. you're making a template chart) then you can add additional segments. This allows you to select the colors, name and order of appearance even before any issues have been found. 
9 | Color picker | Pick from a color palette of 22 default options or use a custom hex code to get exactly what you need. 
For even more customization select from a full-colour palette 
10 | Drag-and-drop | Drag-and-drop to reorder segments. 
When a segment is manually moved the ordering selector changes to Custom Order. 
11 | Colors | Disable colors to hide the colored dots on the table. 
12 | Split segments | When additional values have been added to a segment, they can be split out using the small x in the top right corner of the option input. |
13 | Heading label | Customize the heading label for the Chart By and Group By values. |
Date Field Options

| Option | Description |
1 | Range | - Past 24 hours
- Past 3 days
- Past 7 days
- Past 30 days
- Past 90 days
- This week
- This month
- This quarter
- This year
- Last week
- Last month
- Last quarter
- Last year
- Dynamic range
- Between dates
- All dates
2 | Show zero counts | If the count value is zero for a segment use this selector to hide it from the chart. |
3 | Show issues without dates | For date fields that can be empty (e.g. due date) this selector shows those issues as a None segment at the start of the range. This is very useful to catch issues that do not have a date set. 
4 | Colors | Disable colors to hide the colored dots on the table. 
5 | Grouping | - Hours
- Days
- Weeks
- Months
- Quarters
- Years
6 | Heading label | Customize the heading label for the Chart By and Group By values. |
Custom JQL / Saved filters Options
To create fully custom charts you can use the advanced options Custom JQL or Saved filters to create segments.

Display Options
Chart Options | Description |
Y-axis label | Customize the label used for the y-axis |
Cumulative total | Count/Sum/Average will be aggregated sequentially in the order found in Chart By |
Show tooltip on bar hover | Shows a tooltip for individual segments when hovering over the bars |
Tooltip display | Choose what is displayed in the tooltip when hovering - Count/Sum/Average
- %
- Count/Sum/Average (%)
- % (Count/Sum/Average)
Show Count/Sum/Average above bars | Displays the Count/Sum/Average value above the bars |
Show % above bars | Displays the % value above the bars |
Show x-axis label | Displays the x-axis label which is taken from the Chart By field name |
Show y-axis label | Displays the y-axis label which is taken from the Count/Sum/Average field name |
Y-axis height | Set the y-axis height in pixels |
Show Count/Sum/Average total under chart | Display a total link under the chart |
Description Options (Only visible when the description is not empty) | Description |
Show description | Hide the description from displaying This can be used to keep notes on the configuration or design without showing it to users on the saved list |
Description position | Choose where the description is displayed The Live Preview in the editor always shows Bottom |
User Impersonation Options (Confluence only) | Description |
Show impersonation user under chart | Hide the "Data loaded as" label at the bottom of the macro |
Allow click-through (requires Jira access) | Allow users to click through to the underlying Jira issues This requires the user to have access to Jira as all Jira permissions are respected |
General Options | Description |
Number format | Choose the number format to display 123456.78 123,456.78 123.456,78 123'456.78 123'456,78
Decimal places | Choose the decimal places to display |
Auto refresh every <x> | When selected, the issue data will automatically refresh at the time interval set in the Custom Charts admin settings |
Show options menu button | When selected, a vertical set of 3 dots will appear in view mode that, when clicked, shows a menu with the following options: Refresh data Dark mode *Export PNG *Export PDF **Export CSV
*Only shows these options if “Allow direct export to PNG, PDF & CSV” is enabled. If this is disabled, it removes the export options from the list in view mode **Not available on Issue List |
Dark Mode | Changes the theme to dark mode. |
Show chart border (Confluence only) | Displays a border around the Confluence macro |
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