Enabling the Creation and Usage of Custom Chart Templates

Enabling the Creation and Usage of Custom Chart Templates

Users can build reports, then save them as Templates. Global Templates allow users to share their templates across the instance so others can use them.

Jira or Confluence admins can give users access to 1) creating Global Templates and 2) viewing Global Templates.

Watch the video below to learn how to update template permissions!


Give users access to Creating Templates

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts Admin Settings (click here to see the steps to get to the Admin Settings)

  2. On the Custom Charts - Settings page, click the Template Options tab

  3. Click the second section on the page, Permission - Global Template Administrator, to expand it

  4. Give access to the users who need to create Global Templates

    1. To select individual users:

      1. Click into the User name text box, then type the name of the user in the box

      2. Select the user name from the list, then click Add to grant them the permission

    2. To select Jira groups:

      1. Click into the Group name text box, then type the name of the Group

      2. Select the group name from the list, then click Add to grant them the permission

Give users access to viewing Global Templates

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts Admin Settings (click here to see the steps to get to the Admin Settings)

  2. On the Custom Charts - Settings page, click the Template Options tab

  3. Click the second section on the page, Permission - Global Template Viewer, to expand it

  4. Give access to the users who need to view Global Templates

    1. To select individual users:

      1. Click into the User name text box, then type the name of the user in the box

      2. Select the user name from the list, then click Add to grant them the permission

    2. To select Jira groups:

      1. Click into the Group name text box, then type the name of the Group

      2. Select the group name from the list, then click Add to grant them the permission

Disable Templates

Templates are enabled by default, but if you do not need the feature, Admins can disable it using the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts Admin Settings (click here to see the steps to get to the Admin Settings)

  2. On the Custom Charts - Settings page, click the Features tab

  3. At the bottom of the Features page, find the Templates section. Click the toggle so that it turns grey

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