Exporting Pages in Confluence Cloud

Exporting Pages in Confluence Cloud

Learn how to export a page of Custom Charts macros in Confluence to a PDF or Word file!

Steps to Export

Users must be able to Edit the page in order to complete these steps.

  1. Ensure the User Impersonation feature is enabled on the charts you want to include in the export (learn more here)

  2. Publish the page

  3. In the top right corner, click More Actions

  4. At the bottom of the list, select Generate Custom Charts export images

  5. Export the page to PDF or Word


  1. Ensure the User Impersonation feature is enabled on the charts you want to include in the export (learn more here)

  2. Publish the page

  3. In the top right corner, click More Actions

  4. At the bottom of the list, select Generate Custom Charts export images

  5. Export the page to PDF or Word


Why do I need to do this?

  • On Confluence Cloud, an image that is used must already be an attachment on the page

  • Currently, each user who views a chart does so as their own user, which means the data displayed is based on their permissions on the connected Jira instance

  • Custom Charts would either need to save multiple attachments (one for each user) or overwrite the attachments, which results in a security issue

    • The security issue is that there are no granular permissions regarding attachments - it’s either “View” or “No view” on all attachments on the page

    • User Impersonation is the workaround for this

  • When a Custom Chart has User Impersonation enabled, everyone who views the page sees exactly the same data loaded on the chart

  • Now, the Custom Chart can save a single image of itself as an attachment to the page, which can then be used for PDF and Word exports

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