Simple Search Source

Simple Search Source

You now have the ability to set the Source on Simple Search!

Just like Custom Charts, the Source options allow you to filter the gadget/macro without displaying that filter on your dashboard.

Previously, users had to create the filtering that they wanted and display it to end-users, allowing for it to be changed or unselected by dashboard viewers. Now, you can set an overarching source and let your users filter down only the relevant information.

How it works

In the editor, there is now a Source bar. This is a required field and will need to be populated before you can save new or existing gadgets/macros.

You can select from Projects, Saved Filters, or Advanced (JQL) to set a base Source for your Simple Search. Dashboard viewers cannot change the Source but are still able to select from the Simple Search dropdowns to add additional filtering to the dashboards.

While viewing your dashboard or Confluence page, Simple Search will not display the Source, only selections made in the Simple Search fields and preview sections.


What if I want Simple Search to look at all issues in Jira?

If you would like your Simple Search to still display all issues in Jira, instead of being filtered down, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create and Share an ‘All Issues’ Saved Filter

    1. Navigate to Filters → Advanced Issue Search

    2. Make sure the search bar is empty, and then select 'Save As'


    3. Name the filter something like All Issues or All Jira Issues


    4. Select ‘Details’ and then ‘Edit Permissions’ to share the filter with any user who would be viewing the dashboard



  2. Set the Simple Search Source = All Issues Filter

    1. Select ‘Saved Filter’ as the Source type, and then set the filter to your newly created ‘All Issues’ filter.


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