Hidden_Get App

Start your 30-day free trial of Custom Jira Charts for Confluence from the Atlassian Marketplace or directly on your Confluence instance by going to "Find new apps". Only Administrators can install apps on Confluence.

The installation process will be slightly different if you're using Confluence Cloud, Server, or Data Center. Here are step-by-step guides for both:

 Install on Cloud

Install directly on your Confluence Cloud instance:

  1. On your Confluence Cloud navigate to the homepage by clicking on the Confluence Logo

  2. Click the cog icon to navigate to the Confluence settings admin page

  3. Scroll down to find the section Atlassian Marketplace and click on Find new apps

  4. On the marketplace, search for the app and click Free trial or Buy now to start your 30-day free trial

 Install on Server or Data Center

Install directly on your Confluence Server instance:

  1. On your Confluence Server instance click the cog icon on the top menu bar

  2. Select Manage apps on the dropdown menu that appears

  3. Click on Find new apps

  4. On the marketplace, search for the app and click Free trial or Buy now to start your 30-day free trial