Custom Charts Display Options - OLD UI

The Display options tab allows users to customize the look and feel of several aspects of charts, including chart labels, number formats, and dark mode.

Press play below to see each Display option!


Steps to Access the Display Options Tab

  1. With Custom Charts, Issue List, or Simple Search in Edit mode, on the righthand side, click the Display options tab

  2. Make any adjustments, then click Save to lock in your customizations

Display Options Breakdown

Chart options




Y-axis label


Users can change the label of the Y-axis by entering new text in the text box

The default value is the name of the field in the Chart By dropdown

Cumulative total

Users can change the way the total displays on the chart. If enabled, the count of each segment will accumulate.

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

For 2D charts, a dropdown list appears where users can choose to display the cumulative total for the Chart by or the Group by value

Calculate % of


For each segment, users can choose to display the calculation as a percentage of the entire total, or, as a percentage of the specific segment (in a 2D bar chart, a percentage of the specific vertical bar, for example)

Defaults to Total Count

Show tooltip on bar hover


If enabled, when a user hovers over a segment of the chart, a tooltip box appears.

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Combine Source JQL with Custom JQL and Saved Filters


If “Show tooltip on bar hover” is enabled, this setting appears.

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Tooltip display


Users can adjust the way the total is presented on the tooltip display.

Defaults to Count (%)

Y-axis unit


Users can adjust the way the Y-axis value is presented, either as a count or as a %.

Defaults to Count

Show Count labels above bars


Users can choose to hide or show the value of each segment above it


Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Show zero Count labels above bars


Users can choose to hide or show a count label for segments with a value of 0

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Show % labels above bars


Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Show x-axis label


Users can choose to hide or show a label on the x-axis

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Show y-axis label


For 2D charts, users can choose to hide or a show a label on the y-axis

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Y-axis height


For 2D charts, users can adjust the height in pixels of the Y-axis

The default y-axis height is 260 pixels. Pixel amount must be between 50 and 5000.

Show horizontal gridlines


Users can choose to include horizontal gridlines on charts

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Show Count total under chart


Users can choose to hide or show the total of the Jira data at the bottom of the chart

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Show tooltip on name hover


Users can choose to hide or show a tooltip when viewers hover over a segment.

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Description options




Show description on chart


If a description is added, users can choose to hide or show it

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Description position


If a description is added, users can choose where it is positioned in the gadget or macro

Defaults to Bottom

General options




Number format


Users can choose how numbers appear on charts.


Decimal places - Calculated values


If any numbers have decimals on charts, users can choose how many numbers appear after the decimal point


Decimal places - %


If percentages are shown on charts, users can choose how percentages appear


Date format


Users can adjust the format of dates displayed on charts


Time unit


For charts where Sum or Average of time is selected in the Calculate dropdown (i.e. Average Time Spent), users can adjust the unit of time displayed on charts


Auto refresh every 10 minutes


Users can adjust whether the data on the list auto refreshes

As a Jira admin, the timeframe can be adjusted (learn more here)

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Show options menu button


Users can turn off the Options menu that appears on gadgets

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Allow direct export to PNG, PDF & CSV


Users can turn off the ability to export charts to a PNG, PDF, or CSV file

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is on.

Dark mode


Users can display charts in dark mode

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.

Navigate to the Live Preview and click the moon icon.

Disable hyperlinks in chart


Users can turn off the ability to click into issues that display on charts

Toggle on (green) or off (grey). The default is off.