Technical Documentation





Jira Dashboard ReportING


Effortless creation of charts, reports and dashboards for your Jira &

Jira Service Management data. Build, customize and share in seconds

using features like Custom JQL, Shared Dashboards,

or 3rd Party App integrations.




Confluence ReportING


Effortless creation of charts, reports and dashboards for your Jira &

Jira Service Management data right into Confluence. Provide enhanced

visibility to your team or share reports with customers in your Support Portal by

easily connecting a knowledge base.

IT & Document Management


Share secure, password-protected, unique links to your

Jira issues with anyone. Allow external users to add comments,

change issue status, or see your entire Jira board.


IT & Document Management


Share secure, password-protected, unique links to your

Confluence pages with anyone. Set various options like sharing child pages,

setting an expiration date, or adding attachments or comments.



Document Management


Easy contract management and signatures within Confluence. Keep

your audit trail and signed contracts directly in Confluence, accessible to anyone

that needs access. Get an instant view of contracts status, or send reminders

and notifications at a specific time.