

Start your 30-day free trial of Custom Charts for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace or directly on your Jira instance.

What’s on this page?


Get a trial license from the Atlassian Marketplace


  1. Go to the Custom Charts marketplace listing and choose your desired hosting type from the dropdown.

  2. Click the Try it free button and follow Atlassian’s steps in the pop-up window to activate your trial license.

You must have the Jira System Administrators global permission to activate your trial. In case you are not an admin, you can request the app using Atlassian Marketplace’s functionality. Your Jira instance administrator will receive an installation request and enable it for you.


Install directly on your Jira Cloud instance

  1. Login to Jira Cloud as an Administrator

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Apps, Explore more apps

  3. On the Explore Apps page, type Custom Charts for Jira in the Search bar

  4. Click the tile for Custom Charts

  5. On the Custom Charts app page, click Try it free

  6. In the pop-up window, click Start free trial to initialize the installation

Install directly on your Jira Server / Data Center instance

  1. Log into your Jira Cloud as an administrator

  2. In the top right corner of Jira, click the gear iconManage apps. This will take you to the Find new apps section of Jira’s Admin settings

  3. In the app search bar, type Custom Charts and hit Enter/Return on your keyboard

  4. In the Custom Charts app section that appears, click Install

  5. In the installation pop-up, click Accept & Install

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