Data Sources - Connect to Assets

Data Sources - Connect to Assets


The Data Sources tab gives admins the ability to pull data into Custom Charts that is not stored directly on Jira issues. This will often require additional authentication and be restricted so you can limit which users can see the data.

Currently, the only data source available is Assets (formerly Insight) on Jira Cloud.

Connect Custom Charts to Assets

The user must have a valid Jira Service Management license and a valid API token.

  1. Navigate to the Custom Charts - Settings page, and open the Data sources tab

    1. From the top navigation bar in Jira, choose Apps > Manage your apps

    2. Choose Custom Charts - Settings in the Custom Charts section of the Apps page

    3. From the Custom Charts - Settings page, choose Data sources

  2. Find the Insight custom fields panel and click the grey down arrow to expand it

  3. On the right side of the section, click the grey toggle to enable the feature (it’s enabled once the toggle turns green)

  4. In the Email box, enter the email address of the user whose permissions will be used to load the Insight custom fields

    1. Reminder: This user must have a valid Jira Service Management license. They do not require any additional Insight-specific permissions.

  5. In the API token box, enter the API token for this user

    1. Atlassian documentation on creating an API token: Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support

  6. Click Test connection then Save once you’ve connection is confirmed

  7. Select the Jira Groups with users who should be able to view Insight custom field data in Custom Charts

    1. Users who are not in these groups will simply see the Insight object ID instead of the object name while viewing charts

Troubleshooting the Connection

There is an issue with either your API Token or email address. Double check the email address is correct and that you’ve followed the steps to create an API token for that email: Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support

If all users are seeing the object keys instead of the name, that means the Data Source is not fully configured.

Make sure to add groups under the group picker to select which users should be able to view Insight objects in Custom Charts

Navigate to the Data sources tab and click ‘Test Connection’. If this check is green, then the access shouldn’t be the problem.

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