Act on a user's behalf, even when the user is offline When Custom Charts loads issue data from Jira into the charts, it goes via our servers to perform the calculations to generate the charts We don’t store any issue data on our systems, it just passes through for the calculations So we’re actually only using the first half of the permission “Act on a user's behalf” because we make the requests to Jira as your user This makes sure all Jira user permissions are respected so that each user who views the charts is only shown data that their user is allowed to see We don’t currently use the “when the user is offline” part of the permission so you don’t have to worry about anything changing Custom Charts makes no changes to any data, it only displays data
Write data to the host application This permission allows Custom Charts to save the gadget configuration to your Jira instance This helps to improve security as it means all configuration data for individual charts are stored on your Jira instance by Atlassian
Read data from the host application This permission allows Custom Charts to read the gadget configuration we saved with the write permission so that we can load the Custom Charts It also allows Custom Charts to read the list of custom fields on your instance, so when you’re in the Custom Charts editor you can use the dropdown field picker for “Chart By” and “Group By”