Default Display Options |
Customization | What does it do? |
| Set a default format for all numbers displayed in Custom Charts. |
| Set decimal place formats for number calculations displayed in Custom Charts. If "0" is selected, the gadget will round to the nearest decimal point. Example: Example: A Custom Charts bar chart is used to represent the number of issues assigned to each agent in a Jira Service Management project. The project has 80 issues, and Sara is assigned 19 of them. If the option "1" is selected from the "%" dropdown, the percentage will display as "23.7%". However, if the option "0" is selected, the percentage will display as "24%"
| Set formats for all Dates displayed in Custom Charts. |
| Set formats for all Time values displayed in Custom Charts. Example: The calculation on a Custom Charts gadget is displaying the Average Time to Resolution per Assignee. If Sara's average time to resolution is 2 business days, but the option "Hours"' is selected from the "Time unit" dropdown, Sara's average will display on the chart as 16 hours.
| Set the amount of working hours in a business day. The default is 8 hours, but if your organization works on a 4 day work week, this number can be adjusted to 10 hours, for example. |
| Set the amount of working hours in a business week. The default is 40 hours. |
| Set the amount of working hours in a month. The default is 160 hours. |
| Set the amount of working hours in a year. The default is 2080 hours. |